“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou
“Grief is like the ocean; it comes in waves, ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes it is overwhelming. All we can do is learn to swim.” Vicki Harrison
I have depression & I was born this way.
I want to put words into perfect sentences that make perfect sense to someone like me, but to someone like me, my crazy jumbled thoughts and phrases will be understood.
I’ve planned this post for months.
(Translation: I’ve procrastinated this post for months. Translation: Thought about it a lot while I ate ice cream and watched Criminal Minds. You can blame Shemar Moore and Ben and Jerry’s)
I write it up in my head and I’m like *yeah, I’m gonna post that tonight when I get off of work*
That’s Monday.
Then Saturday comes and I’m like *okay, definitely tonight*
..then I wake up Sunday morning at 6am.
I stay in bed. I don’t go get coffee or take a shower.
I’ll lay on my side and watch the YouTube videos of people that do things with their lives- or those ‘soldier coming home to his dog’ videos.
Around 3pm I put pants on *congratulations*
A few youtube videos later, I decide to eat something, FINALLY. I walk to the kitchen, I browse the pantry. All of the options in front of me, *I could cook myself a decent meal, I’d probably feel better* …I think this while I pour a bowl of cereal and head back to my bed…
It’s 7pm now, I haven’t accomplished a single thing other than breathing… but that’s okay because *it’s my day off. This isn’t depression, I’m just relaxing*
That’s a lie that I tell myself often. Much too often.
This doesn’t happen every single weekend because every now and then I will go do something with friends, but I always drink too much when I go out. I feel bad about it the next day and I won’t do it again until the next next weekend.. but there is always a next next weekend.
That’s the problem with depression, It’s like being behind a glass wall. I can see myself doing things that I know are just destroying me.
Mentally & physically. I’m ruining my self esteem. I always try to justify it to myself. *Of course you’ve put on a couple pounds, you never exercise outside of work*
I tell myself I’m going to make some unbelievable change and everyone will be like “wow, Paxton made an unbelievable change”
But I drink too much for that. I’ve become a high functioning alcoholic.
I tell myself that it’s okay because I’m self aware… like, it’s okay that I’m doing things that are bad for me as long as I’m admitting it to myself..
does that makes sense?
No, but at-least I’m admitting that it doesn’t make sense. (Bad joke)
When I said that I was born this way, I mean that I am epileptic. Quick lesson: Epilepsy is a disorder in which nerve cell activity in the brain is disturbed, causing seizures. It is excessive and abnormal brain cell activity.
My seizures are called focal onset aware seizures (simple partial seizures). When I have a seizure, I am still alert and I am able to interact because it only affects one hemisphere of my brain. However, on occasion I will still lose consciousness and my muscles will tense causing a temporary paralysis. Epilepsy is commonly accompanied by anxiety and depression. Epilepsy is not cured, but there are medications called anticonvulsants that help.
When you look at the bottles of anticonvulsants and other treatments for the disorder, you’ll see that they all have one thing in common; Antidepressant and anti-anxiety properties. As we depression sufferers know, antidepressants often cause depression..
Not only does epilepsy bring depression to the party, so do the AED’s (anti-epileptic drugs)
The conclusion that I’ve come to is that I’m my own worst enemy. I just let everything around me push me down, I let it kick me while I’m down. With the love and support of my family, my friends & my daughter in heaven- I will make the changes in my life that I’ve promised to myself for so long. This day and everyday, I will love and respect myself because that’s something that I’ve neglected for a long time.
“And God said ‘love your enemy’ and I obeyed him and loved myself” -Khalil Gibran