Todays Government

IMG_8985So, this post will be somewhat of an informative rant type style blog. It is clear to America that ISIS is a huge threat, yet our lovely president says he has them, “contained.” After the recent attack on Paris, surely America can see that they are not “contained.”

Here’s what I see, I see a group of terrorists who hate Americans and want to kill us. I also see a president who knows this and is making no attempt to defend America and her people. It seems to me that our dear president is not only allowing these attacks, but helping them. He tells us things such as, “they are contained” or I have a plan” and we lower our guard and they killed 129 people in Paris. They brought down a Russian airplane, and they slaughter Christian people. Am I honestly a 17 year old girl who sees this and the president doesn’t, or does he see it and not care? Is our president not supposed to help us? I have been brought up in a Conservative Republican household, we watch the news, and we talk about current events. I am aware of what’s going on with our nation, is anyone else? I pray that the people of America use this information when deciding who to vote for in the upcoming election. Choose someone who will defend and protect America instead of causing more harm. Choose a president who is proud to be an American and proud to put an end to terror attacks. This is a subject that everyone needs to consider. Think on it, y’all.

Let me know what your thoughts are!