Maintaining Responsibility

IMG_0268Responsibility is a pretty big deal. It means many different things to many different people; depending on ho you were raised. It also depends on your point of view and environment. For example, if you are the type of person who has a child and a job and things like that, responsibility is an everyday occurrence for you. Where as, if you are a teen whose only worry in the world is taking out the trash, responsibilities will be at the bottom of your priority list until you move out and get hit with all the things you’ll have to deal with.

To some, it may mean a job that pays the bills, to others it may mean keeping grades up. Some people take care of both, and then some. The word, “responsibility, can stress some people at the sound of it, and then some it could mean nothing at all. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve slowly gained more and more responsibilities. Starting off small with things such as, doing the laundry, washing the dishes.. etc. I have learned, many years ago, how to handle small responsibilities without any problem. However, as I’ve been given more to accomplish, big and small, I’ve had to learn how to juggle them all at once. It is often difficult not to let things slide, that part I’m still in the process of learning. Between school, work, paying my bills, homeschool, and my household chores, I’ve had times that the things I need to do slip through the cracks in the midst of being a teenage girl and wanting to spend time with friends and go to football games and things like that. Recently, I’ve noticed this problem that I have with my list of priorities, and I can see that I have to change the way I operate in order to be successful. The things that I WANT to do have to be put on the back burner until I complete the things that I HAVE to do.

I thank God that my mom is teaching me and helping me to learn this at a young age and at my own pace. I realize how hard it is to juggle these things just right now. I’d hate to struggle as an adult, and my mom has taught me that working hard at being prepared is a whole lot easier than getting slammed with a situation you aren’t ready for. Thanks, Mom.

Let me know what your thoughts are!