Relationships Ordained By God


So, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I sure did! However, its time to get back to the blog!

Today, I wanted to discuss something that I’ve been thinking on here and there for the past year or so. More recently, it has been brought back to the surface. I’m talking about healthy relationships and in this post, I’m looking to cover more than just what a marriage should be, but what most teenage girls think when they hear the word “marriage”

Starting with examples that parents lead: I grew up most of my life with my mother and father still married, but severely unhappy. It was clear to my brother and me that they weren’t in love and it really shaped the way we viewed relationships and what to expect out of one. For a long time, I expected that when I was married, I’d end up being unhappy after a couple years of marriage. In my head, once you are married and had kids, you no longer had time to, or wanted to chase dreams or do things that made you happy. That’s some of what I watched my parents go through because they got married for the wrong reasons. My mom was a single mother who no longer cared about herself, only her child and my father was good to him (my older brother) They had me, and my little brothers next, then God made it clear that what they were drawn to each other for was done. We were here and that’s what was meant to be. Their relationship was not. They got divorced, my mom went overseas, she learned who she was and what she wanted and that god would take care of it. and he did!

IMG_0644IMG_0635June 1st of 2013, my mother had her last first date; With the man that God meant for her. Ever since then, I’ve been exposed to nothing but pure, true love. When I look at the relationship that my mom and step dad have, I can see how a real, healthy relationship is supposed to be. It’s hard to explain, but so plain to see that they care for each other in a way that Hollywood tries to portray, but they can’t. You can’t fake what they share, its real. They aren’t perfect, no. They have little arguments, but they work it out without hesitation because both of them want the other to be happy. They work hard at showing each other how much they love one another each and every day.

I asked my mom, “what is your favorite thing about him?” she responded with, “How could I pick one thing?!” then she became serious and said, “my favorite thing about him is that even if he never once said ‘I love you’ I’d still know how much he does, because he SHOWS me. everyday, with everything that he does, he puts me first.” -as she does to him, also- The bond they share is unexplainable with words or examples. It simply is a blessing not only for them, but also for me and for my brothers.

Kris, my step-dad, has shown my brothers and myself, how a man should treat a woman. Their relationship has shown me specifically what I should actually look forward to, and that’s what God tells me is right. God will put in your path what he wants, and I now know things that most teenage girls don’t.

the next subject: Most teen girls, don’t sit at home and picture what they want their marriage to look like to God and to their kids, they sit around and picture their WEDDING! There’s a big difference between one day of happiness and what you’ll be spending your life with and the example you’ll b setting and the mold you’re putting around your children’s minds. If not for my mom and my step-dad, I could have ended up in the same boat that millions of people are in right now. Unhappy and setting the wrong example. If you don’t show your kids what real love is, they’ll only repeat those same mistakes. So many teenage girls date a boy in highschool and get “engaged” and get pregnant and get married. It shouldn’t work like that. You should love him and he should love you. It should be what God wants for you, what he planned for you and when it is, you’ll know. There’s no denying it.

I hope and pray that all of you have the opportunity to fall in love with your best friend, the person that was designed for you. Love Y’all.


relationships ordained by God This is a picture that I stumbled across on my newsfeed on Facebook, it made me a little upset and I wound up going on a small rant..

chic with a wrench


Let me know what your thoughts are!