Self Respect in Relationships

The past couple weeks for me have been a bit of an eye opener for several reasons. I Decided to touch on the subject of relationships and share my opinion.

Throughout these past weeks, I’ve witnessed some things that many girls (and some guys) often do in relationships. Whether its the fact that theyre putting up with being treated in a way that shouldn’t be seen as acceptable but is, or they are acting towards the other person in an unacceptable manner. I’m not going to lie, I have not only witnessed it, but felt and done it before. I see so many people settling for such ridiculous behavior and I’ve seen them treating their partner in a way that I believe is a deal breaker in a relationship.

A relationship cannot be built on a foundation of jealousy and lies and hypocritical actions. If you keep your girlfriend/boyfriend from having friends or going out or if you attempt to dictate his/her social media use, that is controlling behavior and it leads to nothing but pain. I know people who treat their partner in that way and they really don’t see it. The mean no harm by it, I am by no means condemning or condoning this behavior, however, it is all in what you see that influences the way you act in a relationship. It is a cycle and always has been and always will be. Luckily, my mother and stepfathers relationship has taught me what went wrong between my mother and father. From my mother and stepfather, I have learned what not to put up with, and what to expect from a man. I have learned from my father how a man should rightly treat a woman and from my mother ive learned how a loving wife treats her husband.

Yes, I know I’m 17 and shouldn’t be thinking of marriage quite yet.. that’s what they all say. But I think that’s wrong. I believe that when you date someone, you’re setting yourself up for the beginning of your possible life partner. “Every man you date is a potential future husband.” that’s what dating is, you learn what personality characteristics work with yours and which don’t. You have to know these things or else you’ll end up with a couple failed marriages before you find the person God had waiting for you. This is something I’ve thought long and hard on and my opinion won’t change. Relationships are hard and take work, so I expect no one to fully understand how to keep yourself from getting hurt. My opinion to teen girls everywhere, is don’t settle, don’t let yourself be used by anyone in any way, don’t chase, and don’t under sell yourself. You’ve all got something to be proud of, something that you bring to the table, and you can make someone very happy. Just make sure that they make you happy, as well. And once you get ahold of the person you know you’re meant for, communicate, respect, never stop dating, and never stop flirting. If you never stop treating eachother the way you did in the beginning, total honesty, you’ll never lose them.

Let me know what your thoughts are!